
Mediate: Collaborative Media Annotation, 2019-20

Project supervision by Emily Sherwood, Director, Digital Scholarship Lab, University of Rochester. Mediate is a software platform for the analysis of time-based media across the audiovisual spectrum.

  • Web-enabled platform built in Python and JavaScript. It makes use of several open source libraries, including Django, OpenCV, FFMPEG, and ReactJS.
  • designed to handle large sets of annotations, and supports concurrent updates through websockets, enabling a collaborative real-time system composed of several modules tied together by a RESTful API.
  • Through the API, users can create custom tags, upload media, form research groups, add annotations, and query data in CSV or JSON formats.
  • With collaboration in progress with Concordia University and UT Austin, to work with IIIF, including the capacity to read, edit, and generate a manifest.
  • Additional collaboration with Joel Burges (English/Visual and Cultural Studies) and Joshua Romphf (Digital Scholarship Lab)
  • Assist with teaching and learning outcomes of the tool: implement tool in classrooms, assess tools pros and cons for media studies environments, data collection and clean up
  • Assess research possibilities of Mediate at graduate student and faculty level (possibilities for tool outside pedagogical framework)

Reading Like a Victorian, 2020-21

Project supervision by Robyn Warhol, Ohio State University, Department of English. Reading Like a Victorian reproduces the “serial moment” experienced by Victorian readers.

  • Providies users online access to any given month and year during the nineteenth century when up-to-date readers of fiction would have been following installments of multiple serials and works published in volume form that overlapped in real time.
  • Platform built and maintained with Ruby on Rails
  • Collaboration with OSU’s Arts and Sciences Technology Services to develop and build site (front end user experience as well as back end interfaces)
  • Troubleshooting site
  • User-experience and backend usability
  • Attend weekly meetings with development and programming team
  • Compilation of website data and metadata:
    • Sourcing Victorian serials and part-issues from online digital archives (HathiTrust, Project Gutenberg, Librivox)
    • Provide different modes of access to Victorian serials (audiobooks, to facsimiles, to E-Book)
    • Maintenance of database to organize serials for front end use; recreation of serialization experience through metadata
  • Completion of RLV 2.0 Slated for March 2021, moving forward with RLV 3.0 for Summer 2021
  • Migration of RLV to Agile Humanities, Toronto, ON:

Putting Theory to Practice: A Discussion of Data Feminism, 2021
– Zoom Panel moderator, organized for Mellon 2021 Annual Event
– Discussion of Data Feminism, by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein

Intersectionality and the Digital Humanities Reading Group, 2020

  • Collaboration with Emily Sherwood, Director, Digital Scholarship Lab
  • Readings on feminism + intersectionality and DH, as well as readings from Xiao Liu (keynote for Global DH) and Henry Lovejoy (keynote for Mellon Fellows Spring Symposium)
  • Follow up in fall in planning: Data Feminism readings plus potential collaboration with authors for public lecture